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Resoto Meets Jupyter Notebook

· 2 min read
Nikita Melkozerov
Some Engineer

We recently released Resoto Notebook, a library that allows for the visualization and exploration of the Resoto graph interactively using Jupyter Notebook.

Resoto Notebook is similar to Resoto Shell in the sense that you execute queries, but the results are returned in a pandas DataFrame structure. This gives you more flexibility in filtering, aggregation, visualization, etc.


Please see Resoto Notebook for installation instructions and usage details.

An example notebook is available on GitHub. We encourage you to copy and modify it to suit your needs.


Resoto Notebook includes the Plotly Python library, which is capable of visualizing data in a variety of ways.

Heatmaps are one of the supported visualization methods. Heatmaps make it easy to spot outliers—imagine, for example, someone was experimenting with an expensive cluster and forgot to shut it down.

Here is an example of a heatmap depicting the number of instances per core, per account:


The y-axis represents the number of cores per instance, while account IDs are listed along x-axis. The color of the heatmap cell indicates the number of instances with the given number of cores; the brighter the color, the greater the number.


There are instances where you may be interested in the relationships between resources. Let's say you want to remove a database, but you are not sure of the impact of the removal on other resources. With Resoto Notebook, you can inspect a resource and its relations to see what's going on.

Let's graph a cloud do (DigitalOcean) and two levels of successor resources:



As mentioned previously, Resoto Notebook allows you to harness the power of pandas, a popular Python package for data analysis. The pandas DataFrame structure is a table-like object that allows for easy querying, filtering, and aggregation of data.

Let's try aggregating the number of cores in running instances per account, per region:


With this result, we can quickly identify expensive accounts and act accordingly (e.g., taking cost reduction measures).

Next Steps

I hope this blog post has piqued your interest, and that you will try installing Resoto Notebook. Happy exploring!

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Some Engineering Inc.