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DigitalOcean Support

· 4 min read
Nikita Melkozerov
Some Engineer

I worked on a plugin that allows collecting DigitalOcean resources over the past few weeks, and I'm happy to announce that Resoto now has DigitalOcean support! 🌊

Sheep Sailing Through DigitalOcean

Getting Started

To get started, add your DigitalOcean API tokens to Resoto Worker via the config command in Resoto Shell:

> config edit resoto.worker

In the text editor opened by config edit, modify the configuration as follows:

- digitalocean

# DigitalOcean API tokens for the teams to be collected
# DigitalOcean Spaces access keys for the teams to be collected, separated by colons

The spaces access keys should correspond to the API tokens.

The DigitalOcean collector also supports multiple teams. To collect several teams, simply provide multiple keys separated by space.

Once the DigitalOcean plugin configuration has been updated, trigger a collect run:

> workflows run collect

Searching the Graph

All DigitalOcean resources inherit from the digitalocean_resource class, meaning that you can find resources using search is(digitalocean_resource). It is also possible to search DigitalOcean resources by type with a query like search is(​​digitalocean_droplet).

In addition, these search results can be filtered. For example, we can find all droplets under the project foo:

> search is(digitalocean_project) and name=="foo" --> is(digitalocean_droplet)

For more details, please see the Resoto documentation.

Visualizing the Graph

It is possible to generate a dotfile with a result of your search:

> search --with-edges is(digitalocean_team) <-[0:]-> | format --dot | write


The generated dotfile can be opened in any Graphviz viewer. I personally like the Graphviz Interactive Preview VSCode extenstion.


Additionally, you can add tags to resources using the tag update command:

> search is(digitalocean_droplet) | tag update foo bar

This command will attach a tag foo with value bar to all droplets.

It is also possible to omit the tag value:

> search is(digitalocean_droplet) | tag update foo

Since DigitalOcean does not support tag values, values are emulated by resoto using -- as a separator. As a result, you will see the tag foo--bar in the DigitalOcean console.

Removing Tags

To untag the resource, use the tag delete command:

> search is(digitalocean_droplet) | tag delete foo

Searching Tags

We can find all resources with tag foo and value bar like so:

> search is(digitalocean_droplet) and

It is also possible to search for all resources tagged with foo (regardless of the tag value):

> search is(digitalocean_droplet) and has_key(tags, foo)

Since DigitalOcean does not support tag values, it is necessary to either specify an empty string as the tag value or use the has_key function.

Cleaning Up

To delete resources, pipe search results to the cleanup command:

> search is(​​digitalocean_droplet) | cleanup

Doing manual searches and cleanups is cool, but what if you could set up a cron job that cleans up the resources after your experiments? Resoto makes it easy to accomplish this as well.

For example, we can add a job that will clean up droplets in a specific DigitalOcean team that are more than a day old at 4 AM each day:

> jobs add cleanup-after-experiments --schedule '0 4 * * *'  'search is(digitalocean_droplet) and /"1234567" and age > 1d | cleanup'

Now, you can spin up new resources for testing without needing to worry about cleaning them up! 🎉

Check out the Resoto documentation for more information. I hope that this blog post was informative, and that you will try out the new DigitalOcean plugin!

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Some Engineering Inc.