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Installing Cloud2SQL

· 5 min read
Lukas Lösche
Some Engineer

Cloud2SQL is a tool based on Resoto's collector plugins that allows you to collect data from various cloud infrastructure sources and export it to a database (like Snowflake, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, or MySQL) or write it as Parquet, SQLite, or CSV files for ingestion in your data lake.

In this post, I will guide you through the process of installing Cloud2SQL and demonstrate how to export data from AWS to a local SQLite database file.

Whether you are looking to integrate cloud data into your existing SQL workflows or simply want an easy way to access and analyze data from multiple cloud sources, Cloud2SQL is an excellent tool to consider.


To install Cloud2SQL, all you need is Python 3.9 or newer. Create a new virtual environment and install the cloud2sql[all] package:

$ pip3 install --user cloud2sql[all]

If you only require support for a specific database, you can choose between cloud2sql[snowflake], cloud2sql[parquet], cloud2sql[postgresql], and cloud2sql[mysql] instead of installing cloud2sql[all].


Snowflake currently only supports Python 3.10. If you are using Python 3.11, use a database-specific package instead of cloud2sql[all].


Cloud2SQL supports all sources supported by Resoto. By default, Cloud2SQL ships with AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and Kubernetes source plugins pre-installed.

Let's load some AWS data into a local SQLite database file. For authentication with AWS, we have all options supported by the AWS CLI. You can either export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or create a profile in your AWS config file and export AWS_PROFILE.

The configuration file is a YAML file that specifies sources to load data from and destinations to export data to. Create a file myconfig.yaml:

database: resoto.db

This tells Cloud2SQL to load the AWS collector. Within the aws section, you can configure additional options, but they are optional.

Advanced configuration examples
# IAM role name to assume
role: ResotoAccess
# List of AWS profiles to collect
profiles: someengineering-production
# List of AWS Regions to collect (null for all)
- us-east-1
- us-west-2
- eu-central-1
# Scrape the entire AWS organization
scrape_org: true
# Assume given role in current account
assume_current: true
# Do not scrape current account
do_not_scrape_current: true
# Configure access to k8s clusters.
# Structure:
# - name: 'k8s-cluster-name'
# certificate_authority_data: 'CERT'
# server: ''
# token: 'TOKEN'
configs: []
# Configure access via kubeconfig files.
# Structure:
# - path: "/path/to/kubeconfig"
# all_contexts: false
# contexts: ["context1", "context2"]
- path: /path/to/kubeconfig
all_contexts: true
host: myorg-myaccount
user: cloud2sql
password: changeme
database: cloud2sql/public
warehouse: compute_wh
role: accountadmin

See config-template.yaml for a list of all supported configuration options.


When collecting multiple accounts, the role and scrape_org options instruct Cloud2SQL to fetch the list of all organization accounts and specify a role to assume. Alternatively, you can specify the list of accounts to collect using the profiles option if those profiles have been defined in your AWS CLI config file.

The option account_pool_size controls the number of accounts that are being collected in parallel. Increasing the value uses more CPU cores and memory but also makes the collection of multiple accounts finish faster.

Resource Collection

Running Cloud2SQL is as simple as executing the following command:

$ cloud2sql --config myconfig.yml

And that's it! After a couple of minutes, when the collection is done, you will have a copy of your cloud infrastructure in resoto.db.


Let's take a look at the exported data! Open the SQLite database:

$ sqlite3 resoto.db

If the sqlite3 command is not already installed on your machine, the package name in most Linux distributions as well as homebrew (MacOS) and Chocolatey (Windows) is sqlite or sqlite3.

The .tables command lists all the tables that were created during Cloud2SQL's collect run, while the .schema command outputs a table's fields.

For instance, if you have IAM server certificates, we can inspect the schema of the aws_iam_server_certificate table:

> .schema aws_iam_server_certificate
# highlight-start
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "aws_iam_server_certificate" (
​ arn VARCHAR,
​ path VARCHAR,
​ tags JSON,
​ name VARCHAR,
​ ctime VARCHAR,
​ mtime VARCHAR,
​ atime VARCHAR,
​ expires VARCHAR,
​ dns_names JSON,
​ sha1_fingerprint VARCHAR,
​ cloud VARCHAR,
​ account VARCHAR,
​ region VARCHAR,
​ zone VARCHAR,
# highlight-end

We could then find all certificates expiring in the next thirty days:

> SELECT name, expires, account from aws_iam_server_certificate WHERE datetime(expires) BETWEEN datetime('now') AND datetime('now', 'start of day', '+30 day');
# highlight-start
# highlight-end

See Unified Data Model for a full list of currently supported resources.


Now that you have a good understanding of how to install and configure Cloud2SQL, why not give it a try and see how it can help you streamline your cloud data management and analysis processes?

Simply follow the steps above to get started, and feel free to reach out to us on Discord if you have any questions or encounter any issues along the way. We're always happy to help!

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