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Resoto Meets Jupyter Notebook

· 2 min read
Nikita Melkozerov
Some Engineer

We recently released Resoto Notebook, a library that allows for the visualization and exploration of the Resoto graph interactively using Jupyter Notebook.

Resoto Notebook is similar to Resoto Shell in the sense that you execute queries, but the results are returned in a pandas DataFrame structure. This gives you more flexibility in filtering, aggregation, visualization, etc.

A Walk in the Graph

· 7 min read
Matthias Veit
Some Engineer

Resoto uses a directed graph to represent your infrastructure resources as nodes and relationships between them as edges. A load balancer for example is represented as node with edges pointing to all target compute instances. The compute instance might have a volume attached, where we would see an edge between the instance node and the volume node.

Nodes represent resources, while edges define the relationship between nodes. It is often the case that a resource has multiple relationships to other resources.

Sheep Jumping on a Graph

Resoto Shell Tab Completion

· 2 min read
Matthias Veit
Some Engineer

Resoto has a command-line interface accessible via Resoto Shell. Commands are not executed locally, but interpreted on the server. As such, only Resoto Shell is required client-side.

Resoto offers commands like echo, tail, and jq—old friends to veteran shell users—but these commands only account for a small fraction of the possibilities in Resoto's command-line interface.

Version 2.X of Resoto Shell introduces tab completion, making the command-line interface easier to use than ever before! Press the tab key, and Resoto Shell will present you with a list of available commands:

List of commands

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Some Engineering Inc.