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Version: 3.9.0

How to Update Resoto

We regularly release new versions of Resoto with bug fixes and new features, and recommend keeping your Resoto installation up to date.


Don't want to manage your own Resoto installation? Get started for free with Fix, an all-in-one security dashboard built on top of Resoto.



  1. Fetch the docker-compose.yaml file for the latest Resoto version. See the list of versions if you want to use a specific version.

    $ curl -Lo docker-compose.yaml
  2. Restart the services defined in the docker-compose.yaml file:

    $ docker-compose up -d

    Docker Compose V2 integrated compose functions in to the Docker platform.

    In Docker Compose V2, the command is docker compose (no hyphen) instead of docker-compose.

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Some Engineering Inc.