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What's Changed


  • aacc850d resotocore Allow adjusting request body size (#1373)
  • aec16031 resoto Add vulnerability badge (#1367)
  • 10e015d9 resoto fix: plugins/k8s/requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities (#1361)
  • 50e1abbb resotocore kinds command shows aggregate roots (#1364)


  • 3038096e aws Aws lambda function can not be read (#1376)
  • 26973c34 aws Fetch instance types in all regions (#1374)
  • 3cbc326c aws Fix usage of aws client (#1369)


  • 5388d48d aws Improve error messages (#1375)
  • c37cbca2 ci Add docker-compose.yaml artifact to releases (#1370)
  • ac8be474 resoto Inline treelib (#1368)
  • 33664fe3 resoto Define project urls (#1365)
  • 0906928e resoto Bump next version (#1363)


What's Changed


  • 01b0d52b k8s Allow defining access as kubernetes config (#1354)
  • 7a790dd8 resotocore Allow to search nested complex objects inside arrays (#1355)
  • e484f809 plugins/aws Support CloudFront Service (#1350)


  • bfda0808 aws Fix CloudFront collection (#1359)
  • 8423e996 resotocore Ignore predicates in context for list rendering (#1357)
  • 5ef20b72 resotocore Read search arguments more gracefully (#1356)
  • fea141c0 plugins/aws Add AwsCloudwatchMetricData API calls to collect api call list (#1353)



What's Changed


  • 98c39b5e resotocore Allow relative time in history command (#1341)
  • 1fc68807 resoto Add the actual error message that AWS returns (#1342)
  • a50e2a0e aws Add deferred edge from StackSet to Stack instance (#1337)
  • b280f2ca aws Map the policy document version (#1335)
  • 65cc5bff plugins/aws Add support for Cognito (#1318)


  • de93193c aws Redefine default pool sizes (#1347)
  • 145aca2b aws Add missing collect api (#1346)
  • 1c7fca90 aws Add missing collect api (#1345)
  • b4c0909a aws Only collect default policy (#1344)
  • be754d21 aws Collection of instances happens in the stack set (#1343)
  • 0799d4e4 aws Remove wrong edge from VolumeType -> Volume (#1339)
  • 03cd9610 aws AwsClient handle lists correctly (#1331)
  • 78cd02ea aws Define missing API calls (#1338)
  • 198602bb aws Add required parameter to cognito api call (#1340)


  • 31a8a420 resoto Remove resoto bundle (#1349)
  • c2bff20a resoto Bump 3.0.1 (#1334)




Resoto now ships a new UI, which will make interacting with Resoto much easier and a lot more fun.

New UI

It comes with dashboards to visualize your resource data either from a time series metric, an aggregated search on the current snapshot or the result of a search. You can create your own dashboards and widgets to visualize your data in the way you want.


Explore all your cloud resources in a way you never did before. You can now search for resources and filter them by tags, attributes, and more. It allows you exploring your resource data in multiple ways - for example as a tree view.

Tree view

Last but not least, it comes with a setup wizard that guides you through the initial configuration of Resoto.

Setup wizard

AWS: All Details and Better Service Coverage

Resoto now supports all details of each supported resource. This means that you can now search resources by any attribute, tag, or any other detail of the resource.

As an example I picked the AWS application load balancer to show the complete structure of the data to expect:


See the full list of supported AWS resources in the AWS reference.

Cloud2SQL: Export Your Data into a SQL Database

It is now possible to leverage the power of our collectors and export your data into a SQL database. This allows you to use your data in any way you want. You can use it for reporting, analytics, or even machine learning.

We currently support the following list of database servers:

See the the someengineering/cloud2sql GitHub repository for more details.

Simplified Installation

Kubernetes Helm Chart

Resoto's default installation method is Kubernetes, and we now provide a Helm chart to simplify this installation process.

You can find the chart in the someengineering/helm-charts GitHub repository.

Installing Resoto on Kubernetes is now a helm install command away. See Install Resoto with Kubernetes for details.


If you want to have full control over the CloudFormation stack that is created to install Resoto, you can use the AWS CDK construct that we provide. The construct definition can be found in the someengineering/resoto-cdk repository. You can find more information in Deploy Resoto with AWS Cloud Development Kit.

History of Changes

Version 3.0.0 of Resoto does not only offer the current snapshot data and aggregated time series data, it now also keeps track of changes to any of your resources. This not only allows you to see how a resource has changed over time, you can also use it to list the changes that happened in a specific time frame.

Think of an outage in your production cluster, and you want to know what happened in the last 2 hours before this outage. You can now use the history of changes to find out what has changed and how it has changed.

If you think this topic is interesting, you can read more about it in this blog post. Find details and examples in the documentation of the history command.

Extend the List of Commands via Plugins

Resoto has always been extensible via plugins for collect and cleanup. This release adds the option to programmatically add commands to Resoto. We use this feature to provide the aws command line tool as part of the AWS collector plugin, which allows you to interact with AWS resources directly from the Resoto CLI.

See aws Command for more information.

Client to Interact with Resoto

We also created a Python client as part of this release that allows you to interact with Resoto from your own applications. You can find the latest version of the client in this resotoclient-python repository.

If your programming language of choice is not Python, you can still use the Resoto API directly.

Contact Us

Have feedback or need help? Don’t be shy—we’d love to hear from you!




Some Engineering Inc.