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Version: 3.9.0

Install Resoto with pip

pip is the package installer for Python and allows for easy installation of Python packages in Linux environments.


Resoto consists of a number of distributed components that are intended to run 24/7 on a server. We recommend running Resoto using Docker.


Don't want to manage your own Resoto installation? Get started for free with Fix, an all-in-one security dashboard built on top of Resoto.



  1. Install Resoto Python packages using pip:

    Installing Resoto using pip
    $ mkdir -p ~/resoto
    $ cd ~/resoto
    $ python3 -m venv resoto-venv # Create a virtual Python environment.
    $ source resoto-venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual Python environment.
    $ python -m ensurepip --upgrade # Ensure pip is available.
    $ pip install -U resotocore==3.9.0 resotoworker==3.9.0 resotometrics==3.9.0 resotoshell==3.9.0 resoto-plugin-aws==3.9.0 resoto-plugin-gcp==3.9.0 resoto-plugin-k8s==3.9.0 resoto-plugin-digitalocean==3.9.0
    # Generate two random passphrases. One to secure the graph database and one to secure resotocore with.
    $ echo $(LC_ALL=C tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 20) > .graphdb-password
    $ echo $(LC_ALL=C tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 20) > .pre-shared-key
    $ chmod 600 .graphdb-password .pre-shared-key
  2. Install ArangoDB following the installation instructions for your Linux distribution. Also read the Linux Operating System Configuration guide for optimal database performance.

    The following will start ArangoDB on the current shell (which is )useful for testing):

    $ mkdir -p ~/resoto/arangodb ~/resoto/data
    $ cd ~/resoto
    $ curl -L -o arangodb3.tar.gz
    $ tar xzf arangodb3.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C arangodb
    $ rm -f arangodb3.tar.gz
    $ arangodb/bin/arangod ~/resoto/data

    Once Resoto Core starts, it will automatically secure the ArangoDB installation using the password provided in the .graphdb-password file (unless explicitly turned off using the --graphdb-bootstrap-do-not-secure flag).


    See Security ⇒ Custom Certificates for details on how to generate certificates and encrypt the connection between Resoto Core and the graph database.

  3. Create multiple shells/tabs and run each component in a separate shell:

    $ graphdb_password=$(< ~/resoto/.graphdb-password)
    $ pre_shared_key=$(< ~/resoto/.pre-shared-key)
    $ source ~/resoto/resoto-venv/bin/activate
    $ resotocore --graphdb-password "$graphdb_password" --graphdb-server http://localhost:8529 --psk "$pre_shared_key" --ui-path ~/resoto/ui

    Resoto Core only listens on localhost:8900 by default. Resoto Core can be configured to listen on all interfaces if desired.

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Some Engineering Inc.